Fracino Roasters & Grinders

Fracino Roasters & Grinders



Innovative Countertop Coffee Roaster

The roasting process is an aesthetic and sensory delight. The engineering innovation enables small quantities of green beans to be roasted on a bed of hot air in a glass chamber. Roastilino’s mesh covered vents enable the delightful and enticing aromas of freshly roasted coffee to permeate the air. The theatrical delight sees the beans dance in the hot air while undergoing a mesmerising transformation from green – to lightly roasted hazelnut – and finally to a shade of rich brown.


Ground to Perfection

The extensive range of Fracino grinders ensures that every freshly ground coffee requirement can be met, from the finest creamy espresso to the cafetière, from the filter coffee to the connoisseur blend and from the café and restaurant environment to the delicatessen.

All Fracino grinders are manufactured from the highest quality materials, to exacting standards, enabling optimum grinding for any coffee type or location.

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